ProMediaGear Half Ball Tripod Leveling Head

What is a tripod leveling head and should you use one?

Tripods usually come with a ball-head or pan-tilt head which is more than enough for regular users. But for some, a tripod leveling head makes shooting easier.
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ProMediaGear GKJr Katana Pro in use | Which ProMediaGear Gimbal Head Should You Get

Which ProMediaGear Gimbal Head should you get?

ProMediaGear Gimbal Heads are used with a tripod or a monopod. They provide unrestricted movement when shooting subjects in action. Regular ball heads can do the same, but what makes a gimbal head special?
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Tripod vs Monopod Which one should you buy

Tripod vs Monopod: Which one should you buy?

When choosing camera support, the question of tripod vs monopod always comes to mind. Both types of equipment are good to use in certain scenarios. But when exactly should you use one over the other?